
Young Writers Society

Dark Sploosh

About Dark Sploosh

I'm a young man who was raised in the country and am just now experiencing city life for the first time at college. It sucks too, because it sort of makes me feel like a bumpkin, even though I always felt more refined than the people I grew up with.
I love storytelling more than anything else, and writing happened to be the easier way for me to do that. I also want to create video games with intricate plots and characters one day, sort to elevate the art form. I feel like well written games today are the exceptions rather than the norm.
If there's anything I hate in this world, it's the disgusting and shallow state of teen culture in America, and probably the rest of the developed world too. I feel like so many young people are moronic thrill seekers who don't value anything real in life, and don't care about anything but themselves. Expect a bunch of that to be focused on in my writing.
I joined this forum to meet other young writers, obviously, but also to meet young people who, I hope, haven't bought into the crap that society expects us to do because we're young. I figure a lot of writers are intelligent people, so this seemed like a good place to meet intelligent young people, as rare as those seem to be these days.
Despite all of that, I consider myself to be quite an idealist under everything else. I'm convinced that the amount of morons in this world make it that much sweeter when I find the intellectual equals I'm so desperately searching for.
My life's been pretty lethargic as of late, so I was hoping to be able to make some great friendships here. I know I'm kind of older than the average newcomer here, but I hope no one holds that against me.
Oh yeah, one last thing. As much as I hate to admit it, I seem to have this weird fixation with human sexuality that doesn't seem to follow to the logical conclusion of me being a sex maniac, because I'm quite the romantic. Or at least I'd like to think so. More writing fuel, I suppose.


Writing, Video Games, Anime and Manga, Human Sexuality


Student of Life (If only)

True belonging doesn’t require you to change who you are, it requires you to be who you are.
— Brené Brown